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Three Staff tackle the National Three Peaks

Three Staff tackle the National Three Peaks


Some things just hit harder than most!

A lot of us were massively affected by the Rob Burrows story and his battle with MND. We have a large number of rugby fans, players and employees from rugby areas working within the business and so when our York Branch Manager, Tom, asked if we would allow some time out of the office to raise money for The Rob Burrows Centre and Leeds Hospitals Charity we were never going to say no.


The Leeds Hospitals Charity is currently trying to raise £6.8million as it builds a specialist Motor Neurone Disease Care Centre in Leeds to give people living with MND a better quality of life. 


One of the Rogers McHugh Recruitment's founding core values was to support the local and national communities and using our network to help give back. Given this drive to help people and the fact that Leeds is a stones throw from our York regional office it was a no brainer.

The target? To climb Ben Nevis, Scafell Pike and Snowdon all in 24 hours. The goal? To raise over £1000 for The Leeds Hospital Charity. The result? The National Three Peaks was indeed completed in under 24 hours and at the time of writing this they have raised over £1300 (a 30% increase).


Whilst the weather was challenging it didn't dampen spirts and all 3 thoroughly enjoyed the challenge, so much so Tom Makin, is looking at his next challenge and they were delighted with the amount raised.

The whole of the team are proud of Tom Makin, Tom Daly and James Long who pushed themselves out of their comfort zone and felt compelled to do this amazing thing for a great cause.