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Rogers McHugh Recruitment is on YouTube

Rogers McHugh Recruitment is on YouTube


Have you subscribed to the channel yet?


Rogers McHugh Recruitment has started our own YouTube channel. This will lift the lid on our business and how we operate. Along with A Day In The Life Of and Q&A's with staff we will provide our advice on how to be successful in recruitment and how to succeed within the industry.


If you are in recruitment or are thinking that this is a career move you may be interested in making then this channel is an absolute must.


If you work within the construction or facilities management sectors and want to see a behind the scenes vlog on how recruiters and agencies operate within your sector then this is a much watch.


New videos are released every Sunday at 20:00 and there is already a catalogue building up for you to get your teeth into if you are new to the channel.


Make sure you subscribe to the channel so you are notified when new videos hit.


Thanks for watching.